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ECR login not working from IPv6 EC2 instance


I created an EC2 instance that has IPv6 address ONLY and the ECR login takes forever, I'm running this command below.

aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1

It eventually times out.

Connect timeout on endpoint URL: ""

I tried with another EC2 instance that includes a public IPv4 address in addition to IPv6 and it works fine. Any reason why ECR login doesn't work from IPv6?

1개 답변
수락된 답변


Looking at the issue below, it seems that you cannot pull images from ECR with IPv6 only.
I don't think the reason why IPv6 cannot be used has been made public.
I think AWS will probably support this in the future, but for now I think it's best to make ECR accessible via IPv4.

profile picture
답변함 일 년 전
  • Thank you so much! Just a side note, now I have an interesting dilemma. AWS is starting to charge public IPv4 addresses at 1st February 2024. They want to encourage the acceleration of IPv6 adoption. That's why I'm here and considering the IPv4 pricing (not insignificant) I will do just that, stick with IPv6 only and replace ECR with some alternative unfortunately. I'm hoping AWS will add IPv6 support to ECR as soon as possible.

  • It's unfortunate that AWS charges for the use of IPv4 addresses and NAT gateways and doesn't support IPv6 in many of its services, making the transition to IPv6 impossible.

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