I tried to migrate from C9.io and it's not showing any of my files


I tried migrating and it only shows a readme file created by Amazon. I tried downloading the archive and none of my files are in the folder. I need the files that were on Cloud9, and it said I had until December 31st, 2019 before my files were deleted.

I tried contacting amazon and they told me to post on the forum.

Please someone that works for amazon help me find my files.

질문됨 5년 전273회 조회
2개 답변


답변함 5년 전

Hi stackers,

This is Remy from AWS Cloud9. Sorry to hear you're running into issues. I'm not sure who referred you to these forums for this issue, but I can help you best if you contact support for c9.io, by sending an e-mail to support@c9.io


답변함 5년 전

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