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Best way to migrate from Classic Load Balancer to Application Load Balancer



I have a Classic Load Balancer created by NGINX controller helm chart. Now I want to migrate to ALB. As I know NGINX can only create CLB/NLB but not ALB. Should I switch to AWS load balancer controller in this case and not use NGINX?

What is the recommended approach?

Thank you

1개 답변
수락된 답변

NGINX is an excellent product; in this case though: If you want to move to ALB and NGINX doesn't support it then it appears as if you don't have much choice.

What's the reason for moving to ALB? If it has features that CLB does not; and NGINX doesn't support ALB then it the choice is relatively clear.

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답변함 2년 전
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검토됨 8달 전
  • CLB will be EOL soon

  • We've stopped development of new features on CLB but we have not announced an EOL for it. We are definitely encouraging customers to use ALB because that's where the new features are going.

  • Yes. By EOL I mean it's not recommended by AWS.

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