Can you share success stories of AWS customers performing ML CI/CD?


I want to create simple templates for scientists so that they can fit their models easily into a continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. I want to know about success stories of AWS customers performing CI/CD on machine learning pipelines.

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수락된 답변

Amazon has released the [Amazon SageMaker Pipelines][1] that are the first purpose-built CI/CD service for machine learning: [1]:

For more information, see [New – Amazon SageMaker Pipelines brings DevOps capabilities to your machine learning projects] [2] [2]:

Additionally, we have a case-study where a customer created one on their own for model development using Airflow. For more information, see [NerdWallet uses machine learning on AWS to power recommendations platform][3] and [Using Amazon SageMaker to build a machine learning platform with just three engineers][4]. [3]: [4]:

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