Optimize t3.large EC2 Instance for workstation


Hello AWS Community!

System Overview

I'm facing an issue with an EC2 instance that's being used as a remote desktop for a client. The client uses this desktop as a cloud endpoint for their contractors to access internal company data and applications through a web browser. The instance is configured as follows:

  • Instance Type: t3.large
  • Operating System:(Please insert OS type here)
  • RAM: 8GB
  • vCPU's: 2
  • Disk: gp2 30GB


Despite the instance serving only one user at a time, we're experiencing significant slowdowns. The tasks performed are primarily administration work, involving multiple browser tabs but no heavy-duty applications like Photoshop or development servers.

Our CloudWatch metrics don't show anything unusual, except for two metrics: EBSIOBalance% and EBSByteBalance%. These metrics indicate that our EBS volume's burst balance is frequently depleted, which we suspect might be causing the slow performance.

I anticipate some of you might suggest Amazon WorkSpaces. While I understand the benefits it provides, our specific use-case requires a bit more flexibility than WorkSpaces offers.

Given this information, I have a few questions:

  1. EBS Configuration: I suspect that the EBS burst balance depletion is causing our performance issues. How can I expand or adjust the configuration of this volume to better match our needs and improve performance?
  2. Alternative Storage Options: Would it be beneficial to consider other types of EBS volumes, such as io2, or even a different storage service like Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) for our use case?
  3. System Optimization: Given that our primary usage is web browsing, are there recommended strategies to optimize our system, applications, or browser settings to reduce disk I/O requests and improve performance?
  4. Cost-Effective Solutions: We're also aiming to reduce our AWS costs if possible. Are there any cost-effective recommendations that wouldn't compromise our performance needs?

I'd greatly appreciate any insights, advice, or further questions you may have. Thank you for your help!

질문됨 10달 전267회 조회
1개 답변


EBS Configuration: I suspect that the EBS burst balance depletion is causing our performance issues. How can I expand or adjust the configuration of this volume to better match our needs and improve performance?

The throughput of gp2 depends on the volume size.
You are using only 30 GB and therefore cannot use a large throughput.
If used, gp3 is recommended.
The EBS volume can be changed using the method described in the following document.

Alternative Storage Options: Would it be beneficial to consider other types of EBS volumes, such as io2, or even a different storage service like Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) for our use case?

If you want to keep performance constant, use a high performance volume type such as io1 or io2.
EFS, etc. could be used, but if there is no requirement to share files with many instances, etc., then the cost may be higher than EBS.

System Optimization: Given that our primary usage is web browsing, are there recommended strategies to optimize our system, applications, or browser settings to reduce disk I/O requests and improve performance?

Since IO performance varies depending on the instance type, it is advisable to consider this depending on the application to be hosted.

Cost-Effective Solutions: We're also aiming to reduce our AWS costs if possible. Are there any cost-effective recommendations that wouldn't compromise our performance needs?

If the instance type is fixed, purchasing Reserved Instances or Savings Plans can be less expensive than On-Demand Instances.

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검토됨 10달 전

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