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S3 Lifecycle rule is not deleting non-current files / delete markers.


I have a S3 bucket Lifecycle rule as shown in the attached pictures and it is supposed to delete ALL non-current files from the entire bucket after 1 day. And as you can see on the StorageLense graphs the non-current file count keeps increasing.

The same for the delete markers which are on a second rule as suggested by the S3 Lifecyle documentation.

Enter image description here Enter image description here

What could be wrong? Permission issues? These files are stored in the bucket via a S3 Storage Gateway but the versioning feature of the bucket should be transparent to the Storage Gateway.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

질문됨 일 년 전682회 조회
3개 답변
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I trust your LC rules are aged enough to action because LC runs only once per day. Additionally, Amazon S3 rounds the transition / expiration date of an object to midnight UTC the next day. For example, you create an object on 11/20/2023 8:30 UTC with a lifecycle rule to expire the object after 1 days. For this object, the expiration date is 11/22/2023 00:00 UTC. Some times it does take a day extra, so just want to be sure that enough time is elapsed.

Another possibility of no delete action by LC could be object lock, pls check the object lock setting in bucket >> properties.

답변함 일 년 전
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검토됨 6달 전
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검토됨 8달 전

S3 Storage Gateway only operates on the current version of Amazon S3 objects and does not set object locks. The gateway would not affect non-current versions.

답변함 일 년 전

Strange, I reapplied the rule and it worked 2 days after I deleted some dummy files. Well I'm happy it works. Thanks all for your help.

답변함 일 년 전

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