MediaLive encrypting HLS with static key


We see issue with respect to the input and output bitrate in the MediaLive channel. Network In is 10Mbps while Network out is approx 5MBps. We are not providing any setting wrt encoding. All default settings are used.

  1. What could be the reason of less output bitrate. few issues: While the channel is running, in the preview window we are not seeing smooth data but the frames. How to handle this? At the playback we see resync issues, is there any configuration required in the media live channel to fix it?
질문됨 일 년 전303회 조회
1개 답변

Hi Namita,

  1. If encoding settings are not supplied in the MediaLive channel config, the default behavior is to encode h.264 at 5 Mbit. That seems to align with what you're seeing.
  2. The preview thumbnails provided in the MediaLive console are individual frames, not live video.

For your playback issues, a good place to start would be to increase the logging detail level from your channel configuration (default is no logging) and then review the messages in CloudWatch logs.

Regards, Steve

답변함 일 년 전
  • Thank you for your answer! I will enable the logging. I am using ffmpeg for playback my HLS content. I see errors like interval between sections are too long for PAT error. This error is for other tables as well. I increased buffer size to the max value. Any other clue i can try?

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