Lightsail+Plesk+Ubuntu20.04 Wont setup correctly.


Good day.
I'm trying to setup a Ubuntu 20.04 instance with Plesk.

Following these instruction:
At step 3 and 4 of "Configure a username and password for your Plesk instance"

I copy and past the command as shown into the web browser.

Here is where the trouble is. It is supposed to take me to the one time login to setup my configuration but it only goes to the plesk login main page. No username/password. No config. No way to login.

I deleted the instance and tried again, letter by letter. At least I think it did it correctly.

It's just not working correctly.

Any suggestions to what I'm doing wrong?

질문됨 3년 전406회 조회
1개 답변

Apologies for any wasted time. The instructions do not state to post "one or the other" links in the browser. It just says to copy and past the output.

Chose one or the other. Paste and continue.

답변함 3년 전

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