Feedback loop in AnalyzeExpense API in textract


How can I implement a feedback loop in analyze expense API in textract. I see there is a way to create human review workflow for analyze document API but I don't see for analyze expense.

Further, this answer says that AWS doesn't learn from the human reviews -

We are getting poor quality results with textract and so want to use feedback loop to improve the quality of result.

질문됨 2년 전370회 조회
2개 답변

Hi, thanks for using Textract service. Unfortunately we don't support Human Loop config for AnalyzeExpense API. Sorry to hear you are experiencing poor quality, feel free to cut a ticket to Textract service and we will see how to help. Appreciate if you can share some sample documents.

답변함 2년 전

Please also have a look at The answer there seems contradictory to me though...

답변함 6달 전

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