Cannot find unreal plugin


According to the documentation: The plugin is inside the Getting started managed servers SDK, download. But I only see "GameLift-Cpp-ServerSDK-5.0.0" and "GameLift-CSharp-ServerSDK-5.0.0"

질문됨 2년 전856회 조회
1개 답변

You should be able to build the plugin on your local machine by following the instructions here . Give it a go and let us know please if you have any issues.


I've tested myself and indeed there is a problem. I'm raising the issue internally


The team is working with urgency to fix the problem. In the meanwhile please use the previous version

profile pictureAWS
답변함 2년 전
  • Point 3 of this documentation: Add the binaries to the GameLift plugin files. Open the directory for the plugin version of UE4 that you are working with (for example, GameLift-SDK-Release-3.3.3\GameLift-Unreal-plugin-3.3.3\UE4.25\GameLiftServerSDK). Copy the binary files that you created in Step 2 into the ThirdParty directory of the Unreal plugin: There is no plugin.

    When I run cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DBUILD_FOR_UNREAL=1 .. and then msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release'

    Then I get 267 Errors of LNK2019, unresolved external symbol

  • It actually appears that two different links on link to two different places currently. The "Download Now" button links to which has 5.0.0 and does not contain the Unreal plugin, like OP said.

    The box title "GameLift Managed Servers SDK" links to, which contains the 4.0.2 release of the SDK and 3.4.0 of the Unreal plugin.

    However, version 3.4.0 of the plugin won't link with 5.0.0 binaries.

  • Sorry for the trouble... we are taking a look internally

  • I am also experiencing this issue currently. Is there an update on a possible solution or work around?

    Thankyou kindly

  • Thank you @Tolis

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