SES Logging to CloudWatch


I inherited an SES that was set up by someone earlier. In the Configuration Set, there's lots of CloudWatch logs mentioned, basically one for every type of event. The basic one is called SES_log.

In Cloudwatch, there is a Log Group called SES_log, but it's empty. I tried adding a stream named SES_log inside it to it to see if that was why nothing is showing up in the log, but that did nothing.

I have been testing using the aws cli, explicitly specifying the Configration Set with the --configuration-set-name parameter, and the emails I've been sending arrive in moments, but nothing gets logged.

1개 답변

Aha! I found the answer. I also found that many other people came to the same incorrect conclusion that I had. I was expecting something to show up in Log Groups, like an actual log of the messages.

Instead, what happens is that in the Metrics section of CloudWatch there's an SES item which shows counts of the messages which have come through of each type (bounce, click, etc.).

My predecessor must have created a log group called SES_log on the mistaken assumption that he needed to prime the pump, as it were.

The actual solution to the problem appears to be using Firehose, I think.

답변함 5년 전

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