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How to use WAF positional constraint STARTS_WITH in a URI web request


I created a rule Type --> Regular, Field to match --> URI path, Positional constraint --> STARTS_WITH, Search string --> "/test" Action --> allow

I'm trying to test the functionality of the rule as : "curl http://test/" but it's saying "Could not resolve host: test". please how can i have "/test" at the start of the URL for the functionality test.

below is the actual URI of the resource ----"curl"

질문됨 2년 전753회 조회
1개 답변

If you created a rule as you mentioned, you should try like below.

"curl" is host field and "/test" is part of URI.


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답변함 2년 전
  • Hi @ Eunsu_Shin, I thought having "/test" at the end represent "positional_constraint - ENDS_WITH. Isn't there a difference between STARTS_WITH and ENDS_WITH? Thanks

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