Unity AWS S3 GetPreSignedURLAsync is not working on android


Hi, Using Unity AWS libraries, AmazonS3Client.GetPreSignedURLAsync () is working well on windows but not on android. The callback is never called. Any ideas what is going on?

First the auth is using cognito:

 _credentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials(IdentityPoolId, _CognitoPoolRegion);
 _s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(_credentials, _S3ClientRegion);

The code using it :

GetPreSignedUrlRequest request = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest
    BucketName = bucketName,
    Key = url,
    Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(S3_ASSET_EXPIRATION_HOURS)
Debug.Log("AWS asking to sign: " + url);
Debug.Log("AWS " + Credentials != null ? Credentials.ToString() : "Null");
Debug.Log("AWS " + Credentials.IdentityPoolId);

S3Client.GetPreSignedURLAsync(request, (response)  => {

    // *** This is never called on Android

    Debug.Log("AWS Signed response: " + response.Response.HttpStatusCode);
    if (response.Exception == null)
        Debug.Log("AWS: Found signed URL " + response.Response.Url);
        Debug.LogError("[GetUrl] GetPresignedURL failed with exception: " + response.Exception.ToString());

Thanks !

  • Note that I tried using GetObjectAsync() and I have the same behaviour.

질문됨 2년 전283회 조회
1개 답변

I finally found that the Unity SDK is not working . I changed to the .NET 2.1 SDK from nuGet and now it is working. So there is definitely something wrong with the Unity Asynchronous SDK.

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