Billing & free tier limit


Dear Aws Team,

My name is Muhammad Zeeshan and i am a student who made the Aws account last year for Aws Learning purpose. I learning many services during the last one year still learning a lot for my future career. i received the email last month that i have used 85% of my free tier limit for the month of march so i stopped using AWS for the month of March and today i received the same email about the April month but i have not even used any services in April ,so why i am receiving this email. Can you please help me with that why i am receiving this email without using it and how can i increase my free tier limit ? and also i was billed 2.5 $ for my march bill so therefore its kindly requested to refund me the amount deducted since i am a student and only using Aws for learning purpose . Looking forward to hear from you.

Thank You

Regards, Muhammad Zeeshan

질문됨 2년 전384회 조회
1개 답변

Hello Muhammad,

I'm sorry to hear about this concern.

Here's a re:Post article that you might find helpful, it has information to assist with making sure that you don't incur charges while using Free Tier:

Also, it's possible that you might have active resources that you're unaware of, here's how you can check:

Additionally, our Support team is here for you, if you have any questions you can reach out by creating a support case here:

Best regards,

— Aimee K.

답변함 2년 전

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