Sagemaker - ValidationException


Hello, I am trying to experiment with sagemaker and one of the built-in notebooks.

I got to the notebook by:

JumpStart > Huggingface > Question Answering

Whenever I run the notebook I get the following error.

'ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateEndpointConfig operation: Instance type ml.p2.xlarge is not supported for the chosen region. Please choose some other instance type."

As best as I can tell, I need to set up my domain in a region that supports the above instance type.

Where can I find out the support for Sagemaker operations by region? (By the way, I have tried various instance types, and none work.)

Thanks for any help!

  • May i know which region are you using currently?

질문됨 일 년 전345회 조회
1개 답변
  1. Check the default quota from offical doc, (search 'ml.p2.xlarge for endpoint usage', you will find default is 0, which is a soft limit to each account)
  2. Check current specific quota set for your account
  • Raise a ticket from AWS console self-service to raise the quota If that's something you can't confirm, you can directly raise a ticket to AWS support to get the confirmed answer (which instance is availabe for you in spcific region)
답변함 일 년 전

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