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Does FIFO SQS ensure order between different Group IDs?


I confirmed that the order is ensured for the same group ID in the FIFO queue. When messages with different group IDs come in, I wonder if the order is also guaranteed for messages with different group IDs.

example send message order

  1. MessageBody: 1, group id:1
  2. MessageBody: 2, group id:2
  3. MessageBody: 3, group id:3
  4. MessageBody: 4, group id:4

Sequence when calling the receive message API

  1. MessageBody: 1, group id:1
  2. MessageBody: 2, group id:2
  3. MessageBody: 3, group id:3
  4. MessageBody: 4, group id:4
1개 답변
수락된 답변

FIFO queue logic applies only per message group ID. Each message group ID represents a distinct ordered message group within an Amazon SQS queue. For each message group ID, all messages are sent and received in strict order. However, messages with different message group ID values might be sent and received out of order. (from

More detail is available here . . .

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