Can I talk to Amazon Support somehow?


In the past, I talked to support a couple of times. But now I can't find such an option. Is there still a way to get technical help from the Support?

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Yes, you can seek technical support from AWS. However, you'll need to be on an AWS Support Plan to access this assistance. These plans include:

For non-technical inquiries, you can contact the Account and Billing team, who can connect you to technical support if needed (Generally they do it from the backend and you might not be having the access to it directly). Your Account Manager can also help with specialised support, AWS Partners, or connecting with Fellow Architects.

Please consult the AWS Support Plans page for the latest information and contact AWS support for specific queries.

  • By default you have the Basic Support: Available for free, offering limited assistance with resources like Account and Billing.

If you have any AWS queries without a strict SLAs you can always ask us via repost.

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