How do I use the AWSSupport-CalculateEBSPerformanceMetrics runbook to diagnose Amazon EBS performance issues?

2 minuto de leitura

I want to use the AWSSupport-CalculateEBSPerformanceMetrics runbook to troubleshoot Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) performance issues.

Short description

Use the AWS Systems Manager AWSSupport-CalculateEBSPerformanceMetrics automation runbook to calculate and publish performance metrics to an Amazon CloudWatch dashboard. Then, use these metrics to diagnose Amazon EBS performance issues.

Before you start the AWSSupport-CalculateEBSPerformanceMetrics runbook, make sure that your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role has the required permissions. For more information, see the Required IAM permissions section of AWSSupport-CalculateEBSPerformanceMetrics.


To launch the runbook, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to AWSSupport-CalculateEBSPerformanceMetrics in the Systems Manager console.
  2. Choose Execute.
  3. Enter the following values for the input parameters:
    (Optional) AutomationAssumeRole: The ARN of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform actions. If you don't specify a role, then the automation uses the permissions of the user that starts the runbook.
    (Required) ResourceID: The ID of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or Amazon EBS volume.
    (Required) Start time: The start time to view the data in CloudWatch.
    (Required) End time: The end time to view the data in CloudWatch.
  4. Choose Execute.
    The runbook performs the following steps:
    CheckResourceIdAndTimeStamps: Checks if the end time is greater than the start time by at least 1 minute and if the provided resource exists.
    CreateCloudWatchDashboard: Calculates Amazon EBS performance and displays a graph based on your resource ID.
  5. Review the detailed results in the Outputs section.

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