How can I map Availability Zones across my accounts?

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An Availability Zone (AZ) in my account doesn't map to the same location as an AZ with the same name in a different account. I want to coordinate the distribution of my resources to the AZs across my accounts to confirm fault tolerance, improve performance, or optimize costs.


Note: If you receive errors when you run AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) commands, then see Troubleshoot AWS CLI errors. Also, make sure that you're using the most recent AWS CLI version.

AZ names don't map to the same location across accounts. However, you can use Availability Zone IDs (AZ IDs) to map AZ across accounts:

  1. Open the AWS Resource Access Manager console.
  2. In the navigation bar, select your Region from the Region selector.
  3. In the Your AZ ID pane on the right, review the list of AZ names and their corresponding AZ IDs.
    Note: You can also use the aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region "region-name" command in the AWS CLI to generate AZ ID information. Be sure to replace "region-name" with the name of your AWS region.
  4. Identify which AZ have the same AZ IDs across your accounts. AZs that have the same AZ IDs map to the same physical location.

You can gain better insight into your resources by using the information from performing the previous steps. Then, you can make informed decisions on things such as:

Related information

Use consistent Availability Zones in VPCs across different AWS accounts

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