CodePipeline based on Git tag


Hello AWS humans, I want to execute Codepipeline based on Git tag I know Codepipeline doesn't support Git Tag, Its possible to Git Branch. So I set source to Amazon S3, not CodeCommit. And S3 have git tag based source zip. So when I execute CodeBuild, it does work! But I have a problem about Rollback. How can i rollback this git tag codepipeline?

3 Respostas

What do you mean by "GIT TAG is not supported"?

CodePipeline is running based on CodeBuild which is based on CodeCommit (git repo), this is AWS based scenario.

So, you can perform any GIT commands you want in a buildspec + CodeCommit supports Git Tag

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respondido há 10 meses
  • I think he means to say when your initiator is AWS Codepipeline, git tag is not supported in that case. Yes in Codebuild, git tag is supported but not sure how to use that with Codepipeline, as you need to do ECS deploy after codebuild that is supported by Codepipeline, I mean yes you can do those same steps in Codebuild as well but ECS deploy might need some extra work.

    I think the biggest hurdle for DevOps is to allow Developers to be in charge of the deployment process and when they want to switch between different version tags or different branches for deployments. I have seem this, Jenkins made it real easier with the help of Build with Parameter where you select the environment from a dropdown and select the branch/tag using an input text field and then proceeed with release.

    Something like this might solve most of the issues usually Gitflow based startups are complaining about.

Resposta aceita


You are correct, right now tags are not supported There was a similar question here.

Maybe you can also implement something like this for git tags?

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