Adding FAQ custom csv from Kendra to Lex Response


When uploading FAQ to Kendra, you can use custom a custom CSV as described here:

How can you access the information in the custom columns to be displayed as part of a Response in Lex?

The examples in To create an AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent intent and response message at this link below do not describe this. For example, from basic csvs you can access the result question and answer as part of the a Response in Lex:

I found a FAQ question for you: ((x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-question_answer-question-1)) and the answer is ((x-amz-lex:kendra-search-response-question_answer-answer-1)).

feita há 3 anos588 visualizações
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Hi, thank you for reaching out!

Currently, Lex does not support surfacing custom values other than the default question and answer values in the FAQ documents.

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