Windows Server "Password is not available"


I followed the guide for EC2 Windows Instances and got a "Password is not available" error when trying to get the password to connect to the instance. I used the official Amazon AMI for Windows Server 2016 Base with t2.micro (as specified in the guide).

The error says:

Password is not available. The instance was launched from a custom AMI, or the default password has changed. A password cannot be retrieved for this instance. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it using the Amazon EC2 configuration service.

I am confused, as I used the official AMI from Amazon and I didn't change the password (I can't even connect to the instance).

How do I resolve this issue and connect to the instance?

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This is documented here:

As you can see in the docs, it only specifies RSA for Windows instance. For Linux instances you can use RSA and ED25519 key pairs.

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respondido há 3 anos
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It turns out the issue was that I was using an ED25519 key pair, but only RSA key pairs are supported for Windows machine. This ought to be specified somewhere.

respondido há 3 anos

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