NotAuthorizedError on eb create command


I'm trying to host a django app in EBS. I completed till creating the Application. For creating the environment, I provided the command eb create lesoko-app-env. And I'm getting the following error: Creating application version archive "app-9591-220712_120615798305". ERROR: NotAuthorizedError - Operation Denied. Access Denied.

Please let me know the solution for this. Thank you

  • Can you please check if you have AdministratorAccess-AWSElasticBeanstalk policy attached to the IAM User running "eb init" command ? If it's already attached, can you please mention all the policies attached to IAM User running "eb init" command ?

1 Resposta

Resolved it by changing the permissions

respondido há 2 anos
  • What permissions? I'm trying to do the same thing for my Flask App and getting the same error.

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