Can't Connect RDP to Windows Server Instance


I'm at my wit's end with this! I want to make an EC2 instance with t2.medium type with Windows Server 2022.

  • I create a new security group
  • Allow RDP traffic for 3389 from Inbound
  • Allow all traffic Outbound
  • 100GB of storage
  • After launching the instance, I allocate a new Elastic IP, which I associate to my new instance.
    I then go to the instance, get an instance screenshot to verify it's running, then attempt to connect RDP to the public IP.
    RDP Fails. Why?? I've tried making three different instances, but none of them work.
    I use RDP every day of my life, and doing this in Azure works instantly. I'm clearly missing something.
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Few other things you can check

  • Check if your instance is in a public subnet connected to an internet gateway.
  • Check if your network access control list allows RDP traffic both inbound and outbound.

Following are a few guides that may be useful to troubleshoot your issue.

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I don't see on the Subnet page where I can view the IGW. I can see the VPC it's associated with, and when I check that VPC, I can see the VPC is associated with an IGW.

When running the reachability analyzer from that IGW to my Instance, it fails due to a missing route., but when I look at the path details it looks fine to me.

reachability analyzer

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