un able to create bucket in desired region but possible to another region


i cant cereate bucket in asia mubai region but possible to cereate in sydney region it shows erro like An unexpected error occurred. API response A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progrees

i tried deleting all object like force deletion also help me

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2 Respostas


You can activate / deactivate access to some regions in AWS accounts: see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/accounts/latest/reference/manage-acct-regions.html

Can you pls check that Mumbai region is activated or not in your region ? And activivate if needed.



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  • Mumbai isn't an opt-in region, so it is always enabled and cannot be disabled. The error message also clearly indicates that the issue is with the bucket's name; the specific error would not be returned even in the case of an opt-in region (which Mumbai isn't) being disabled.


Did you delete a bucket that had the same name as the one you're trying to create? It takes a variable amount of time, from minutes to several days, until the name of a deleted bucket becomes available for reuse. More details are explained here: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/s3-conflicting-conditional-operation and here: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/s3-create-bucket-errors

If the exact name of the bucket doesn't matter to you, just create the bucket in the right region and add a random number or some other suffix to the bucket name to make it different from the names of buckets you've deleted recently.

Leo K
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