Tentando acessar o Lightsail - "Pode haver um problema."


Estou tendo problemas ao tentar iniciar o LightSail, estou recebendo o erro 403.

Insira a descrição da imagem aqui

Recentemente recebi o seguinte email:


Your AWS Account may be compromised! Please review this notice and take immediate action to secure and restore your account. This account compromise poses a security risk to your account (including other account users), could lead to excessive charges from unauthorized activity, and violates the AWS Customer Agreement or other agreement with us governing your use of our service.

To protect your account from excessive charges, we have temporarily limited your ability to use some AWS services. To remove the limits, follow the instructions below.

If you do not stop the unauthorized usage and contact AWS within five (5) days, your account may be suspended in order to protect you from unauthorized usage and charges. To further protect your account from excessive charges, we may terminate any suspected unauthorized resources on your account. Please note that some resources may not be recoverable once terminated.

FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW TO SECURE AND RESTORE YOUR ACCOUNT. More detailed instructions for each item can be found in the “What do I do if I notice unauthorized activity in my AWS account?” guide in AWS public documentation: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/potential-account-compromise/

Step 1: Change your AWS root account password

Visit the account password change guide here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_passwords_change-root.html

As a further precaution, we recommend changing your email password and passwords for other websites to help protect your AWS account from being at risk.

We also recommend enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your AWS account for increased security. You can find more information here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_mfa_enable.html

Step 2: Check your CloudTrail log for unsanctioned activity

Check your account for any unsanctioned activity such as creation of unauthorized IAM users and/or associated passwords (login profile), access keys, policies, roles or temporary security credentials by checking your CloudTrail log, and immediately delete them.

NOTE: Deleting IAM users may impact production workloads and should be done carefully.

Step 3: Review your AWS account for any unauthorized AWS usage

Check your account for any unauthorized usage such as EC2 instances, Lambda functions or EC2 Spot bids by logging into your AWS Management Console and reviewing each service page. You can also do this by checking the "Bills" page in the Billing console by going here: https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home#/bill

Please keep in mind that unauthorized usage can occur in any region and that your console displays only one region at a time. To switch regions, use the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the console.

Step 4: [IMPORTANT] You must respond to the existing Support Case or create a new one to confirm completion of the steps above in order to restore access to your account, prevent suspension, and apply for a billing adjustment, if applicable.

While logged in to your account, access the Support Center and reply to the existing Support Case to confirm completion of steps 1-3. If you cannot find an existing Support Case, please create a new one by going here: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home?#/

If you need help completing the steps to secure your account, let us know through the Support Case. You can request a phone call or chat session for immediate assistance.

If you believe that your account is secured and there is no unauthorized access or usage, please contact us immediately via the Support Case to confirm this in writing.

Any billing adjustment related to unauthorized charges will be considered after the account is secured.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

To share your experience or contact us again about this case, please return to the AWS Support Center using the following URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/?displayId=12941018551&language=en

Note, this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mails. To respond to this case, please follow the link above to respond from your AWS Support Center. "***

Já realizei todos os procedimentos sugeridos, mais ainda continuo com o mesmo problema.


1 Resposta

You will need to contact AWS Support to have the stoppage lifted after all correspondence has been completed.
Please contact AWS Support and open the "Account and billing" case.

Also, check that the IAM user you are using has permission to operate Lightsail.

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