Can't install AWS ADS on arm instance


Can't install AWS ADS on arm instance and get this error: install: line 641: /opt/aws/discovery/aws-discovery-cmd: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

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Usually that error message means Linux doesn't recognize the file as a shell script or as an executable file.

Typically the cause is running an executable on the wrong architecture - if you try to run x86 executables on an ARM CPU, this message comes up.

Looks like only x86 is supported

If the host that the agent is being installed on runs Linux, then verify that the host at least supports the Intel i686 CPU architecture (also known as the P6 micro architecture).

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  • Instance type: t4g.micro AMI: ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-arm64

  • You’re trying to install a x86 application on an arm device. Looks like arm isn’t supported.


Can't install AWS ADS on Instance type: t4g.micro - AMI: ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-arm64 and get this error: install: line 641: /opt/aws/discovery/aws-discovery-cmd: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error.

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