Cannot stop bedrock model evulation jobs


Status remains 'stopping' even when I have tried to stop them in 3 different ways without seeing any error messages. Models in evaluation jobs are: foundation-model/ai21.j2-mid-v1 and foundation-model/amazon.titan-text-lite-v1

  1. Clicked 'Stop Evaluation' in Bedrock (in Assessment & deployment, Model Evaluation)
  2. Used AWS SDK boto3 Python
    • latest version boto3 1.34.97
    • role includes: AmazonBedRockFullAccess
    • command: client = boto3.client('bedrock') response = client.stop_evaluation_job( jobIdentifier="arn:aws:bedrock:us-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
  3. Used AWS CLI v2 aws bedrock stop-evaluation-job --job-identifier arn:aws:bedrock:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

What else can I try to stop these bedrock model evaluation jobs?

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1 Resposta

Sorry to hear that you're coming across issues when trying to stop the Bedrock model evaluation job. It seems like you did try all the available options - via Bedrock console, AWS SDK and AWS CLI to stop this job. Unfortunately these are the only options available to the end user. For any further help needed, please reach out by opening a support case with AWS.

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