AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam - Unable to Press EndTest Button PSI


Hi All ,
I have a query in regards with the online proctored exam for AWS certified cloud practitioner. I appeared for the exam today -Apr 08, 2021 at 5PM India time. I answered all the 65 questions and reviewed all My answers because I had some 25 minutes left before the scheduled close time. After reviewing I pinged the proctor to inform him that I was done with exam and do I need to press End Test button. He dint read My chat message properly and replied back saying I'm marking your exam as completed and before I could press EndTest button he closed the PSI Secure Browser. I was unable to view anything on the screen after that. I don't know if My answers were recorded or not. I called up the AWS certification contact numbers 18003671565 - Ext 7040 , and they told Me that all My answers were recorded. I haven't received any email confirmation after completion of the exam. My AWS certification account dashboard shows that Test Schedule Completed. I dont know if I have cleared the exam or not. Any suggestions on this would be really helpful.

My Details :

Exam : AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Exam date : Apr 08, 2021
TIME ZONE: Asia/Kolkata
Candidate ID: AWS01765077

Thanx and Regards
Shrikant P

feita há 3 anos629 visualizações
2 Respostas


I can confirm that your answers were recorded. Your results will appear in your Certification Portal within 5 calendar days. If you do not see them in your account within the timeframe, please submit a support ticket at and we will investigate.

AWS Certification

respondido há 3 anos

Hi Kim ,
thanx for your quick response. I received My Amazon Web Services Training and Certification badge today.
Appreciate your help.

Thanx & Regards

respondido há 3 anos

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