Site-to-Site - Status pending


If I create a "Site-to-Site"-Connection (in Frankfurt), the status remains "pending". is there problem in this region ?

feita há 3 anos770 visualizações
1 Resposta


I was able to spin up a test Site-to-Site VPN Connection in my account in Frankfurt (eu-central-1) region without any issues and the VPN state became Available in just a couple of minutes.

Also, there are no known issues for VPN service in that region, you can verify at 'Service Health Dashboard', in the Service health section select Service history here you can filter by the service Site-to-Site VPN.

If there is issue with the VPN connection have you tried deleting and recreating a new VPN connection?

If the issue persists, suggest opening case with Support that can check the issue.

profile pictureAWS
respondido há 3 anos

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