I cannot give Admin access to an IAM user


Hello everyone,

I have been trying to give a user Admin access. Firstly, I created a user group and give that user group AdministratorAccess permission. Then, I created a user and added that user to the group. However, the user do not have admin access. As you can see on the screenshots I provided, the user cannot see billing page. I even tried to delete the group and user and created again, but I it didn't work. Please help me.

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You will need to have an administrator with access to the root account enable Billing console access to the IAM group/user.

  1. Login to AWS Console with root account (email id, pwd & MFA token)
  2. Click on your account name (Top Right Corner)
  3. Select "Account"
  4. Scroll down to "IAM User and Role Access to Billing Information" Section
  5. Check Mark "Activate IAM Access"

If this helps solve your problem, please accept this as the Accepted Answer so that others on re:Post may benefit - thank you!

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  • Thank you so much, sir. This was very helpful.

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