Updating a Cognito Login Error Message


We are using the Hosted UI for a Cognito User Pool and the following issue has been identified:

When users are on the hosted login page (e.g. myuserpool.auth.region.amazoncognito.com/login) and the "client_id" query parameter is modified so that it references an invalid or nonexisting App Client ID, the page redirects to a hosted error page (e.g. myuserpool.auth.region.amazoncognito.com/error) where the URL contains a query parameter "error" whose value is "Client does not exist".

Is there any way to modify the behavior of this redirect such that the "error" query parameter's value contains a more generic message like "An error occured," similar to the error message that is shown in the UI ("An error was encountered with the requested page.")?

feita há 4 meses143 visualizações
1 Resposta


It is not possible to customize error messages currently. but revealing that a client exists or not doesn't have risks in my opinion, these IDs are random strings created by Cognito and considered public information (like a domain name, not a secret).

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