timestream invalid timestamp error


errors April 29, 2024, 11:40:37 (UTC-0700) { "ruleName": "NamaraThingToTimeStream", "topic": "akiliws/sensor_report", "cloudwatchTraceId": "40fadb8f-aefe-9f17-ff24-0d42a9f2a713", "clientId": "AkiliWS-68b6b34eec56", "sourceIp": "", "base64OriginalPayload": "eyJGV1ZlciI6ICIxLjYuNDAiLCAiRGF0ZVRpbWUiOiAxNzE0NDE2MDM1LCAiSG9tZU9wZW4iOiAwLCAiSG9tZUNsb3NlZCI6IDAsICJCYXR0ZXJ5Q2hhcmdlU3RhdGUiOiAwLCAiQmF0dGVyeVZvbHRhZ2UiOiAwLjAsICJGbG93UmF0ZSI6IDMuMCwgIldhdGVyU2F2aW5ncyI6IDQwLCAiSW5wdXRQcmVzc3VyZSI6IDEwNDAuNiwgIk91dHB1dFByZXNzdXJlIjogNDI5NDk1NzgyLjQsICJWYWx2ZVBvc2l0aW9uIjogNTYsICJBbWJpZW50VGVtcGVyYXR1cmUiOiAwLjAsICJEZXZpY2VJZCI6ICI2OGI2YjM0ZWVjNTYiLCJCb290Q291bnQiOiAzfQ==", "failures": [ { "failedAction": "TimestreamAction", "failedResource": "NamaraThingDB#NamaraThingTable", "errorMessage": "Failed to write records to Timestream. The error received was 'Invalid timestamp value ''. Length should be in [1, 256] in UTF-8 encoded bytes.'. Message arrived on akiliws/sensor_report, Action: timestream, Database: NamaraThingDB, Table: NamaraThingTable" } ] }

Tried this:

${time_to_epoch(DateTime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")}

But still getting an error

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1 Resposta

Hi. The DateTime field in your message is already expressed as epoch time in seconds. So there's no need to call time_to_epoch() to do any conversion. From the rule, you can just substitute ${DateTime} as the timestamp value, with the timestamp units set to SECONDS.

profile pictureAWS
respondido há um mês
  • Thanks for the suggestion. We now have a different error message

    "failedResource": "NamaraThingDB#NamaraThingTable", "errorMessage": "Failed to write records to Timestream. The error received was 'One or more records have been rejected. See RejectedRecords for details. (Service: AmazonTimestreamWrite; Status Code: 419; Error Code: RejectedRecordsException; Request ID: ED4N5GFMGJZ5UKIWQJMNYLU7TQ; Proxy: null), Rejected records: [{RecordIndex: 0,Reason: The record timestamp is outside the time range [2024-04-29T22:00:03.606Z, 2024-04-29T23:40:03.606Z) of the memory store.,},

    Needed to change the Units from Milliseconds to Seconds to get rid of the error as well


  • What is the retention period of your in-memory store? Did you change the retention period setting? What is the value of the timestamp you were trying to store?

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