Integrate EC2 Image Builder with SSM Patch Manager baseline


How can I integrate EC2 Image Builder receipts to use an existing patches baseline created in Systems Manager Patch Manager? Couldn´t find a native option to do that, so wonder if a script inside the receipt will do the job. Thank you

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You can achieve it through the following:

  • EC2 Image Builder provides two AWS-provided patching components, update-linux and update-windows, which install all pending operating system updates using the UpdateOS action module. These components can be added to your image build pipelines from the list of AWS-provided components. Additionally, you can create custom build components for selective patch installation or updates on supported AMIs using shell scripts or by using the UpdateOS action module​​.
  • In Patch Manager, you can create custom patch baselines and specify various parameters for patch installation and exclusion​​.
  • To link Patch Manager with EC2 Image Builder, you would need to create a maintenance window in Systems Manager. Then, you should register targets (your EC2 instances) to this maintenance window, specifying the patch group key-value tag you created earlier. After this, you assign tasks to the maintenance window, such as patch installation tasks, using the AWS-RunPatchBaselineWithHooks command document. This process allows you to schedule and automate patch installations in alignment with your custom patch baseline​​.

for ref:

If this has resolved your issue or was helpful, accepting the answer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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