Moving SNS Account from Sandbox to Product


We are using Amazon's SNS to send text messages to users. Currently, we have an account in sandbox and we would like to move it to production.

We submitted a ticket 8 days ago to move our account from sandbox to production. Our steps:

We have followed up on the tickets multiple times and we have gotten no response. The status of the ticket still says "Unassigned."

Is there another way to submit a ticket to move our account from sandbox to production? Or is there something we are doing incorrectly in our steps?

1 Answer

The AWS Support team provides an initial response to your request within 24 hours. If you have Business support plan or above, please initiate a 'chat' in the case to get a live support engineer, or I'd suggest to open another generatl guidance case to escalate on exisitng case.

Hope it helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I already tried opening another case a couple of days but have gotten no response on that either. The support is ridiculously bad. We are on the Basic support plan so we don't have the chat option.

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