Is there an option in 'My Files' for a user to delete files?


Hi, in AppStream the 'My Files' window opened from the top toolbar has options for a user to Upload, Download and Rename files but I don't seen an option for a user to delete files.
Is there a way of enabling a delete option so a user can easily delete files they've uploaded?


asked 6 years ago643 views
4 Answers

Hi, We currently dont support the option to delete files using the "MyFiles" web dialog. Could you elaborate your need for a delete option within the web dialog? Is there a challenge in using the file explorer to delete files? You could also onboard explorer.exe or an open source application like Explorer++ to the image catalog to let your users easily use Windows File Explorer within their streaming session.

Vinoth (AWS)

answered 6 years ago

We would like this functionality, also. Users are looking for a delete option in the My Files toolbar and we would prefer not to onboard explorer.exe at this time to limit access to other areas.

answered 6 years ago

Thanks for your inputs. We will add this request to our feature backlog.

answered 6 years ago

Thanks for your reply
It would be a helpful feature if the user was able to delete files from “MyFiles” web dialog. Our application has options to Open and Save files but the user doesn’t have any obvious options to delete saved or uploaded files. We can add explorer to our image for now.

answered 5 years ago

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