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Computer Vision model


I am trying to implement a computer vision model that I made on Google collabs over into Sagemaker however, the issue that I run into is some type of memory issue possibly caused by the way i upload my training data straight in jyupter lab causing the code to thing it is examining an image with500 channels rather than 500px. The code runs fine on google collabs.

1 Answer

Hi Viraj, From what I can understand you are trying to bring a model that you trained in Colab into SageMaker and run inference. If that is the case, you can follow one of the approaches below: Bring your own model and use a pre built container as explained here:

Or create your own inference container and bring it to SageMaker as explained here:

In both cases you will be hosting the inference in SageMaker as a managed endpoint

answered 11 days ago

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