Session Manager Preferences


I need to update the session manager preferences in AWS system manager using AWS SSM automation document. Instead of using SSM Session Document or manual changing, I need to update it by SSM document Is it possible ? or Is there any work-around for this? After my research on this - there is no direct way to update Session Manager preferences programmatically using SSM Automation. I like to know, anyway possible to do this? I like to update the idlesessiontimeout parameter in the session manager preferences through automation Objective: Update Session Manager preferences by automation instead of using manual configuration

Thank you in Advance

  • Which preferences are you looking to update through Automation in Session Manager?

  • @vtjean I need to update the idlesessiontimeout parameter in the session manager preferences

1 Answer

Did you find a solution for this? I have been trying to find a workaround for this for a whole week now.

answered 2 years ago

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