Error on backup


I am receiving this error when UpDraft is trying to backup up my WP site. Its never happened before.

Amazon S3: Error: Failed to access bucket USERNAME. Check your permissions and credentials. (1) UpdraftPlus_S3::getBucket(): [AuthorizationHeaderMalformed] The authorization header is malformed; the region 'us-east-1' is wrong; expecting 'us-east-2'

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Tamm

asked a month ago25 views
1 Answer

Based on the error message you're receiving, it appears that there's a mismatch between the region specified in your UpdraftPlus configuration and the actual region of your Amazon S3 bucket. The error suggests that your bucket is located in the 'us-east-2' region, but the backup attempt is being made to 'us-east-1'.

To resolve this issue, you should:

  1. Check your UpdraftPlus settings and ensure that the correct region (us-east-2) is specified for your S3 bucket.

  2. Verify that the S3 bucket name and credentials (Access Key and Secret Key) are correct in your UpdraftPlus configuration.

  3. If you've recently moved your S3 bucket to a different region, make sure to update this information in your UpdraftPlus settings.

  4. Ensure that the IAM user associated with the Access Key and Secret Key has the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket in the us-east-2 region.

The "AuthorizationHeaderMalformed" error typically occurs when there's a discrepancy in the authentication details, often related to region mismatch. By aligning your UpdraftPlus configuration with the correct S3 bucket region, you should be able to resolve this error and successfully complete your WordPress site backup.

If the issue persists after making these changes, you may want to double-check your AWS credentials and ensure they are still valid and have the appropriate permissions for S3 access.
Error - Amazon Simple Storage Service
Error responses - Amazon Simple Storage Service

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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