Talend Cannot Write to S3 Using PrivateLink


Hi there, My customer has come across an AmazonS3Exception in using Talend (which is an ETL tool) to write to S3 via AWS PrivateLink. When trying to write to S3 via an endpoint address such as bucket.vpce-001234567-89abcdef.s3.cn-northwest-1.vpce.amazonaws.com.cn , an error was casted, stating com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: The authorization header is malformed; the region 'vpce' is wrong; expecting 'cn-northwest-1' (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed; Request ID: ... Customer is using The Talend server is deployed outside AWS, but is connected to AWS using a direct connect. The DNS and underlying network has been verified OK. And, as you might have noticed, the customer is trying to use S3 in AWS China (Ningxia region). Any suggestion about what might goes wrong will be truly appreciated.

asked a year ago387 views
1 Answer

Hi, if you have set up a VPC Endpoint, you should be able to access the service with its normal service endpoint (e.g., monitoring.us-east-2.amazonaws.com for CloudWach) instead of the DNS name of VPC endpoint (e.g., vpce-099deb00b40f00e22-lj2wisx3.monitoring.us-east-2.vpce.amazonaws.com).

Here is a tutorial for CloudWatch VPC endpoint.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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