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Lambda function to send values to event bus


I have lambda function running in one aws account which updates the passwords of users and then those updated passowords will be sent to the event bus in another aws account and i have added to rule to the event bus to trigger lambda function to receive those passwords and store it in secret manger. I have my event sender lambda right permission to put events to the event bus and i also event bus in another aws account has right permission to accept the event and the pattern but i do not see any events or my lambda get triggred but i can confirm in my lamda function the one updates the password and then send to event bus in logs i see succesfuly message that event has been sent to event bus arn.

But here i event bus aws account i do not see any inputs at all pls do help me in this.

asked 7 months ago281 views
1 Answer


I would really suggest you to implement the function described in this article:

It will monitor the EventBridge and track all events published on it. So, with snoop implemented, you'll be able to see if your emitting lambda works as expected.

Also, make sure that your cross-account relaying of events is implemented according to this guidance:



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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

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