Server requests with 500 error


several clients are getting error 500 in requests to the server, this error happens in just a few specific ips. Even the ips being released in the security groups the error 500 continues.

asked a year ago788 views
1 Answer

Error code 500 generally indicate Internal Server Error while in order to find the exact cause of the error you should check the server side logs. The error 500 can also occur due to misconfiguration of the application on the server side. Depending on which application your clients are connecting when receiving 500 error, you can check the documentation or troubleshooting guide for that particular application.

If you are getting any other 5xx error such as 502 Bad Gateway or 504 Gateway Timeout, these errors can occur due to the upstream server(backend server) which is not responding to the Gateway/Proxy server (frontend server). I would still highly suggest you to follow the error codes for the particular application you are using.

answered a year ago

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