Error when install Cloud9



I am trying to setup cloud9 with existing EC2 instance. But during Cloud9 Installation, I found error below :

2024-05-27 15:38:34 (9.49 MB/s) - ‘node-v18.19.0-linux-x64.tar.gz’ saved [44694523/44694523]

exiting with 1 mv: cannot overwrite 'node/node-v18.19.0-linux-x64': Directory not empty

Failed Bash. Exit code 1.

anyone know how to resolve this?

FYI, Already install python3-pip


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asked 9 months ago251 views
2 Answers

This typically happens if a previous attempt to install Node.js left some files behind.

The installation script likely uses a specific directory to store Node.js files. Identify this directory. It's often /home/ec2-user/environment/node or a similar path. Adjust the path according to your setup.

# Navigate to the installation directory
cd /home/ec2-user/environment/node

# Remove the existing Node.js directory
sudo rm -rf node-v18.19.0-linux-x64

# Optionally clear temporary files
sudo rm -rf /tmp/*

# Re-run the Cloud9 installation script
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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

Thanks a lot for your help!!

Seems it's solve exiting with 1 mv: cannot overwrite 'node/node-v18.19.0-linux-x64': Directory not empty,

but I have another problem as below :

checking build system type... mkdir: cannot create directory '/tmp/cg18301-32541': Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory '/tmp/cg-18301': Permission denied
config.guess: cannot create a temporary directory in /tmp
configure: error: cannot guess build type; you must specify one
exiting with 1

Failed Bash. Exit code 1.

What do I need to do?

answered 9 months ago

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