Datazone Portal unable to sign in using IAM



I've been trying to set up DataZone today. I'm not using SSO as I don't have it set up, so I'm using the IAM option. However when click the 'Data portal URL' shown in Datazone and then click to sign in with IAM, it shows the 'Signing in' timer, but it does not. Subsequent attempts go straight to the 'Signing in' timer. Has anyone else experienced this and maybe fixed it please?


2 Answers

If you login using the IAM credentials of the principal that you used to create the domain, then you click on the domain URL, you should be auto logged in.

answered 2 years ago

Apart from the previous comment for using IAM credentials. For the preview access of DataZone, for access via portal, you can add the AWS Managed permission policy to the IAM principal to enable portal access for full access control

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "datazonecontrol:", "Resource": "" } ] }

answered a year ago

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