Dynamic resizing for existing clusters


Hello all,

Following the launch announcement we did last week about dynamic resizing for database storage, it is not clear to me if this feature is automatically available for existing clusters or on they contrary, it is only for new provisioned clusters.

Does anyone know the specific behaviour?

Thank you.

asked 4 years ago867 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Just to quote the announcement and how it works .

Starting September 21, 2020, dynamic resizing for storage space is being enabled region by region for Aurora MySQL versions 1.23 and 2.09, and Aurora PostgreSQL versions 10.13 and 11.8, and is expected to be enabled across all Aurora regions by end of November 2020.

Regarding behavior, the documentation only states that consider an upgrade for older clusters, however i believe the feature is automatically available if you are on a supported version. There is nothing customers need to do about resizing , not a manual operation that they needs to get into. So the storage will automatically free-up segments.


answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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