A/B Testing Tool


One of our customer is using tools(Firebase for mobile APP and Optimize for WEB) for A/B testing. Analytical Tool: Google Analytics and Statistical Significance Method: Bayesian Analysis Below are the list of must to have features from AB testing tool as per customer. Current tools are not able to help on point 5, 6 and 7 hence they are looking for new tool or solution. 1/ User segmentation based on historical, user & event properties 2/ Multiple Goals Setting 3/ Run multiple experiments simultaneously 4/ Reporting dashboard with segmentation & data filters 5/ Server Side Events as Goals / Custom Metrics as Goals 6/ Real Time Allocation of user to control/variant on on click/page view 7/ Locking to variants based on member ID

If anyone have experience in A/B testing and suggest some solution or know some tool which can help here. Thanks in advance

asked a year ago342 views
1 Answer
answered a year ago

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