I Encountered an Error in the Agent with Knowledge Base in Bedrock.


I have added a knowledge base to an agent. Each time I try to request text from the agent, I encounter an error in the pre-processing trace section. The specific error is as follows:

<raises>object: The predicted knowledge base doesn't exist. So, couldn't retrieve any information</raises><raises>object: Encountered an error in getting response from this function. Please try again later</raises>

How to resolve this issue

1 Answer

Hi Sohit,

Based on the error message, it seems the agent is unable to retrieve information from the knowledge base that was associated with it.

You can check below things:

  1. Verify that the knowledge base is deployed correctly and contains the expected data. You can use the GetKnowledgeBase API to check its status and contents.
  2. Verify that the knowledge base full sync is completed once.
  3. Confirm that the knowledge base is properly associated with the agent using the GetAgentKnowledgeBase API. Check that the association details like description are correct.
  4. Make sure the agent has the necessary IAM permissions to access the knowledge base. It needs permissions for actions like 

Enter image description here

  1. Try re-associating the knowledge base with the agent or updating the association details using the AssociateAgentKnowledgeBase API.
  2. As a test, you can directly call the knowledge base APIs like “Retrieve” instead of going through the agent to narrow down if the issue is with agent-KB connection or the KB itself.

Below link details: [1] Manage agent-knowledge bases associations - Amazon Bedrock - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/agents-kb-manage.html [2] GetAgentKnowledgeBase - Amazon Bedrock - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/APIReference/API_agent_GetAgentKnowledgeBase.html [3] Deploy a knowledge base - Amazon Bedrock - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/bedrock/latest/userguide/knowledge-base-deploy.html

answered 10 months ago

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