Can an Application Load Balancer have a static IP


I have an integration in progress with a 3rd party partner.

My service is running via ECS/Fargate behind an Application Load Balancer.

The consumer of the service requires a static IP address (or multiple addresses) for their firewall rules to be able to access my application through the Application Load Balancer.

I have not been able to see how to either retrieve the IP address pool associated with my load balancer or to set it up such that it has static IP address associations.

Can an ALB be setup to use static IP address(es)?

Thank you, Ron

Ron B
asked 3 months ago844 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

No, an ALB always changes its IP addresses. However, you can set up a Network Load Balancer, which always has static IPs, and use the target group type of "Application Load Balancer" to point the NLB to your ALB. This way, you can reach your ALB with static IP addresses by connecting to the NLB.

There's more on the topic in this announcement post:

And more details in this one:

Leo K
answered 3 months ago
reviewed 3 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thanks so much for a quick response! I'll look into the NLB and see how this might help my situation.


Short answer, no, ALB will never have static IPs. NLB has an option to have static IPs.

If static IPs are a requirement you can do NLB -> ALB -> app target

This has to do with NLB being a Layer 4 load balancer and ALB being a Layer 7 (app) load balancer.

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thanks so much for a quick response! This seems to be the recommended path forward according to your response and others I've received. Much appreciated.

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