AWS Simple Email Services


As title said, i have inquiry with regards the AWS SES.

Our internal IT department already using the AWS SES and verified our domain. They are using their current configured SES in our ticketing system that faced to client.

Now, we also have other internal team (Sales department) that uses different system that requires sending out of email. They are looking to also use the AWS SES but different AWS subscription from the IT department.

Will it cause any conflict with the verification or the services itself? Our IT department uses our domain for verified credentials and our Sales Department will only use emails for verified credentials.

asked a year ago206 views
1 Answer

Hello Kevin, It sounds like your internal IT department is already using AWS SES with a verified domain, so there shouldn’t be any issue if you use a different AWS SES subscription for your Sales department. You can verify the same domain in multiple regions/accounts and leverage SES event publishing or event notifications to monitor your sending. But if you are planning to send out marketing emails from your Sales department’s SES such as special offers, transactional emails such as order confirmations, and other types of correspondence such as newsletters. There are more cautions you should take, because marketing emails are more likely to be flagged as spam.

To prevent this you can follow these steps and check more resources:

  1. Send the transactional emails from one SES region and the marketing emails from another region. (SES production access is granted on an account/region basis). This way, if the complaint rate spiked for the emails from Sales team, it wouldn't impact the emails from the IT team
  2. You should monitor their sending with something like Event publishing, especially for event types Bounce/Complaint and have some type of automation in place to remove those recipients from their email lists when one of those events occurs
  3. Ensure there is an easy unsubscribe option and that's easy to see on their emails
  4. Ensure email that is sent is in its high quality
  5. Ensure the SES account-level suppression list is enabled. This will help and protect in the event their automation breaks related to #2 above or there is any other problem related to that.

answered 8 months ago

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