Codebuild is getting slow


Hi Team,

Since last 2 months I have noticed that my codebuild is getting very before usually it takes upto 5 mins to complete the build now a days it's taking around 2 mins to provisions and to complete the build it will take 13 mins I m using standard:3 image from code. I don't want to upgrade to standard:4 or any other latest versions due to my runtime dependency I have created a new customer docker image with my requirement even though it's slow and even I have tried the cache option from the artifact's unfortunately it doesn't help me Kindly request you to suggest me any tricks to improve the speed

1 Answer

I've seen the same and it's a result of benefiting from the images cache strategy. See

Ultimately, you will get faster provisioning if you stay in-sync with one of these images. Additionally, if you happen to be using one of these images as a base image to build a new image from, then you might benefit from the cached layers of the base image. However, if the base image changes enough, then you will likely lose that benefit until you rebuild your custom image.

answered a year ago

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